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We facilitate our clients’ increased capacity for impact throughout the full strategic lifecycle.

Planning is not about a document, it’s about creating clarity, consensus, and collaboration toward a bold vision. Which of these phases matches where you are and the support you need? 


For those who do not yet have the capacity or stability to make strategic choices about their future.

Services: Organizational assessments - both internal (focused on capacity and capabilities) and external (such as landscape analyses). Executive coaching. Team coaching.


For those who are ready to make strategic choices and take strategic action.  

Services: Facilitated five-stage methodology to map the strategies that will develop internal vitality and services required for vital impact. Integrated deepening of internal equity journey as part of the planning process. Strategic plans always include implementation roadmaps and strategic scorecards, so client teams are ready for immediate action; there is no gap between strategic planning and doing.


For those who have completed planning and are ready to align with their plan and track strategic action.

Services: Implementation of strategic scorecards, dashboards, decision-making frameworks, and practices for consistently bringing the plan to life. Prep for and facilitation of quarterly reflection and learning sessions that look backward to learn and look forward for consensus on next actions.

The Four Intersecting elements of effective social impact organizations

From our perspective, this illustrates the benefits of integrating strategic planning and strategic doing. The four intersecting elements of effective social impact organizations are: systems change, measurable results, collaborators of all kinds, and nurtured human creativity (“intrapreneurship”).